Interior Designer House Services in NZ | Design Builders
Waikato home lounge area
Waikato home lounge area

A home should look amazing, and reflect its owners’ personality and style. A home should also match how you live your life. These principles are at the heart of good interior design.

Interior design principles

If you have your own sense of style, we will celebrate it by working with you to create a home built around you. Or you might be interested in involving an interior designer. Our regional offices have a network of interior designers to call on when help is required – it’s a service that we’re delighted to offer.

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There are some good reasons to use an interior designer.

For instance, they can save you time and money. They can come to the right design decisions quickly. They can help you get the best value out of your budget, and know where to spend to achieve maximum effect. You can get more by spending less.

Waikato showhome kitchen interior

How to choose the right interior designer

A good interior designer sees design opportunities that you might have missed. With a practised eye, they know how to bring everything together to a coherent and cohesive whole, to create a functional space that looks great.

The best interior designers have excellent connections. They know the right people, who can help bring it all together. They have an uncanny knack of being able to track down the right fabrics, or get hold of just the right shade of paint, or find that impossible-to-get perfect chair.

Interior designers know how to communicate with architects, contractors and clients. Having excellent communications with those responsible for lighting, furnishing, and architecture is vital. It keeps everything on track.

Qualified interior designers can see the bigger picture in an interior space. They think laterally about home decoration, and surprise and delight with ideas. When inspiration strikes, they know how to bring design to life.

If you would like to know more about how an interior designer can make valuable contributions to a home built around you, please get in touch.

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Waikato vision home dining and kitchen interior

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Inspired E2 is our latest e-book. Enjoy a close-up look at original homes we created for our clients.

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Where to find us

Our nationwide network covers many locations, and we’d love to talk with you about a home built around you.

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0800 456 456