Land development – House plans, NZ | Design Builders
Farm fields during sunrise
Farm landscape

One of the first, and most important, steps in creating a home built around you is having the right site. Town or country? By the coast or on the hill? North or south?

Finding the perfect site

Finding the perfect site is sometimes easier said than done and like most things in life, it’s better to take your time and get it right.

Naturally, we like to keep an eye out for exciting sites. Our Design Builders partners are located throughout the North Island and take a keen interest in potential sites in their region.

So, if you’d like to get the inside track and some expert advice on the right sight, contact the Design Builders team in your region.

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Aerial shot of land

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Our nationwide network covers many locations, and we’d love to talk with you about a home built around you.

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0800 456 456