It’s easy to see why subdividing is so popular. Land is in short supply, property prices are rising, and the housing shortage shows no sign of ending soon. Across the country, councils are getting behind subdividing and giving the stamp of approval to various subdivision projects. Are you considering subdividing?
If you are thinking about subdividing and building a new home, and have some available land, you could be at a distinct advantage. Some people choose to use the proceedings from the sale of their original home and half the site to pay for the build of a new home on the remaining site.
Get expert advice
Mind you, like many things in life, it’s rarely that simple. The path to subdivision can be tricky, and it pays to have experts like Design Builders with you all the way. For instance, the challenges are often around getting the paperwork and details right.
The paperchase begins
Take council regulations. In New Zealand, land comes under a district (or city) council and a regional council (or regional authority). Rules and regulations vary between them, so the situation can become quite complex. In our main cities, including Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, there many rules and requirements that need to be satisfied.
The ins and outs of infrastructure
Once you have determined that you are able to subdivide, there are still more hoops to go through. You’ll need to consider infrastructure requirements. Councils will want you to upgrade and rebuild their infrastructure as part of the process, which can mean paying for new sewer lines, stormwater, water pipes, and power connections. In some regions, you can avoid these costs, but you need to research thoroughly before committing.
Having the right resources
Resource consent can be another challenge. If the size of land you’re trying to subdivide is small, you may need to get Council approval for your building plans first in order to be granted Resource Content. It may take several rounds of changes to your original design to mitigate any concerns or complaints from the neighbours.
Good neighbours
Should your plan be contested or require neighbourly consent, you may need to sit down together with your neighbours (and your planner and designer) to assure them that your build is not going to impact their outlook, house value, or privacy.
United on subdividing
With subdivision, you have the opportunity to maximise the value of your property. However, the list of challenges may seem daunting, and the temptation to put your subdivision dreams in the ‘too hard basket’ may be great. But hold fast. There is a lot to think about, but you’re not on your own. Design Builders have plenty of experience with subdividing.
We have helped clients through the hoops and enabled them to avoid the pitfalls. We can take care of the process – from an initial chat with you to go through the pros and cons, a feasibility study, design, gaining consents, and finally building and infrastructure. If you would like to know more about subdivision, why not get in touch?