Last Wednesday 30 teams took to the golf course to battle it out at Design Builders Charity Golf Day. Although competition was fierce, teams were there to raise money for the Make-A-Wish foundation. Make-A-Wish create life changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

“Pam and her team came along with Hazel, a Make-a-Wish recipient, and presented to our group earlier this year. Now, we all have children, grandchildren or we’re aunties and uncles, we could all relate and there wasn’t anyone sitting there without just a little bit of a tear in the eye. We all agreed, this is something we wanted to be involved with and support”. – Andrew Price on Design Builders partnership with Make-A-Wish.
We’d like to thank everyone involved, especially our sponsors and those who have made generous donations to support a wonderful cause.
Thanks to the teams that entered who were a laugh on the golf course, but also generous when it came time for our live auction.
A special thanks to all of our sponsors, especially Silver sponsors Altus and BM Accounting, this event was a huge success and we couldn’t have done it without you.