If you have a smartphone, it will have several million times more computing power than NASA had when they landed Apollo 11 on the moon, back in 1969.
Now technology is making the homes we live in smarter than the starship Enterprise.
Filling a vacuum
It’s a brilliant idea to let robot vacuums do the work for you. Charge it up, push a few buttons and you’re ready to go. Then you can just sit back and relax as your friendly robot cleans up.
An integrated home automation system can control lighting, climate, entertainment systems, and appliances. Some also include home security features such as access control and alarm systems.
Wi-Fi? Why not?
With Wi-Fi speakers, you can have music wherever you want it. Some use a separate unit that wirelessly transmits to the speakers; with others you can stream directly from your portable device.
Box clever
A smart TV has integrated internet and interactive “Web 2.0” features. Watch broadcast programmes and stream music and videos, browse the internet, view photos and more.