Registered Master Builders House of The Year 2018 news.
Gold and Best in Category for Design Builders Taupo Registered Master Builders House of The Year 2018 news.
There’s Gold in them there hills! Sam Coxhead and Matt Corleison and the brilliant team at Design Builders Taupo have struck gold at Central Plateau/Bay of Plenty Registered Master Builders House of The Year 2018. This beautifully crafted home has a truly amazing outlook, yet it was sheer quality and attention to detail that really caught the judges’ eyes. In fact, they were so impressed that they also handed the team a highly coveted Regional Category medal.
But wait, there’s more. The talented Taupo team also added a Silver Award in the Volume/Group Housing New Home $450,000 – $700,000 category, and yet another shiny Silver gong in the New Home $550,000 – $700,000 category. The trophy cabinet looks like it needs some serious reinforcing. Well done guys!
Congratulations to the owners of these beautiful homes, and our contractors and partners who have helped create these incredible award-winners.

PlaceMakers New Home $450,000 – $550,000
Gold Award + Regional Category Winner
‘Amazing Space’
Making the most of its enviable views, this lakeside lovely has natural charm and laidback luxury. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms and two living spaces make it easy to socialise or seek solitude.

Volume/Group Housing New Home $450,000 – $700,000
Silver Award
‘Idyllic Outlook’
This Acacia Bay escape enjoys the outlook to Lake Taupo and Mt Tauhara from the spacious open-plan living area and its large adjoining deck.

New Home $550,000 – $700,000
Silver Award
‘Work The Angles’
This new three-bedroom home offers sun, scenery and exceptional good looks. Such a unique location demanded a unique design and this beautiful home has got what it takes.