We’re clubbing together to support Make a Wish
Wednesday 23 November, Hastings Golf Club
Join the fun at Design Builders Charity Golf Day, and support Make a Wish, the amazing organisation that creates life-changing wishes for Kiwi kids with critical illnesses. Make a Wish aims to grant the wish of every eligible Kiwi child. Design Builders Charity Golf Day is raising funds to make wishes happen, while having heaps of fun on the golf course.
There will be refreshments, prizes, and a fantastic charity auction afterwards, with all proceeds from the day going to Make a Wish. Get your team of four together and be part of a day that’ll make wishes come true for Kiwi kids. See you there. Find out more right here and sign up right here.
Wednesday 23 November, 2022
Hastings Golf Club 1523 Maraekakaho Road, RD5, Hastings 4175
All proceeds go directly to Make a Wish makeawish.org.nz
Schedule for the day:
11.50 am check-in and receive a scorecard
12.15 pm welcome + rules
4.30 pm scorecards to be handed in
4.45 pm charity auction and winners announced
Email completed entry to: amanda.newrick@designbuilders.co.nz before May 4, 2022. For further information, call Tara on 06 877 1441 or email tara.todd@designbuilders.co.nz