Each year, Design Builders enters some of its work into competitions for industry awards. We’re pleased to say that we often come home with a trophy or two for the awards cabinet. Over the last 30 years we’ve entered many such competitions.
Got to be in it to win it
Awards competitions are a great way to showcase some of the beautiful homes we have created for our clients. At the same time, it’s also about inspiring other designers, architects and builders with the best of the best. We also enjoy seeing what other companies have been up to, and looking for trends.
The show of shows
Each year, Registered Master Builders House of the Year showcases the best New Zealand homes. Designers and builders nationwide enter their best work, hoping to impress the judges enough to win a coveted Gold, Silver, Bronze, Best in Category or the ultimate national award.

The awards tally
We’ve been proudly saying for a while that we have over 100 Master Builders awards to our name. We’ve won regional awards, best in categories, have been shortlisted for the “big one”, and have no fewer than 41 Gold Awards. In fact, every Design Builders team has a swag of awards to its name, and its clients’ names.
Consistent success
In team sports, it is often said that consistency is what makes champions. The same goes for winning awards. Inspiring ideas that catch the judge’s eye and top-quality craft are vital ingredients. We concentrate on these qualities with every single home that we create. That partly explains our success in winning clients and winning at awards ceremonies.
The real reward of awards
It’s wonderful to impress the award judges, and we’re proud that many of our clients’ homes have done just that. But the judge we most want to impress is always the client who has entrusted us to build a dream home. A delighted client is always the best reward.
See some of our homes, including award-winners, here.